My Four Favourite Stories On Medium This Past Month

Chloe Wells
4 min readFeb 1, 2023

Top reads for January 2023

A colour photo of an open laptop on a yellow couch with a blanket and a cushion.
This is similar to my setup when I settle down to do some reading on Medium. Photo by Adrien Tutin on Unsplash.

I can spend several hours a day reading stories on Medium , diligently clicking through the (many) open tabs in my browser.

I can find reading on Medium easier than reading a novel although, since my previous post about (my struggles with) reading, I have managed to read novels again (hooray!).

I find most of my reading material via my Medium Daily Digest email and from the ‘more from Medium’ sidebar. If someone follows me, I’ll check out their stories.

Here are four stories of the best stories I read this month (Jan 2023).

First, we have My Memory Knows What it's Doing by Savala Nolan. This is an exploration of grief and memory that should hit anyone who has lost someone with a gut punch of recognition. I especially loved the author’s description of memory as:

a spontaneous improvisation, (that sometimes) plays the “wrong” notes. Notes that are anachronistic, not part of the current song.



Chloe Wells

True crime and strange tales mostly. Top writer for the tag ‘Finland’.